Concept of Tawakkul توكل

tawakkul reliance on God

In this modern and capitalistic world, we’ve been fed the idea that our life is in our own hands. From a young age, we’re taught to chase after success, to map out our futures meticulously, and to secure ourselves financially. We hustle, constantly working towards a future that we believe is under our control. This relentless pursuit is often seen as the path to happiness and fulfillment. Yet, ironically, this journey towards securing our future can lead to increased anxiety, a sense of isolation, and a never-ending desire for more.

The cycle is vicious. We are encouraged to plan every aspect of our lives, from education to career paths, to investments for retirement. The message is clear: your life’s stability and security are your responsibility, and failure to secure them is a personal shortcoming. This mindset has us always looking to the horizon for the next big thing, whether it’s a job promotion, buying a house, or ensuring our bank accounts are well-cushioned. It’s as if we’re trying to build a fortress around our lives, hoping to shield ourselves from any unforeseen events, only to discover that this fortress brings along more isolation and anxiety.

You see, this constant striving and preplanning breed their own sets of problems. The pressure to constantly perform and secure our futures financially can lead to burnout, stress, and a deep-seated anxiety about the future. It’s a paradox where the more we try to secure ourselves, the more insecure we feel. Furthermore, this approach to life can isolate us from others, as we focus more on our individual paths and less on the community and connections that genuinely enrich our lives. Even worse, this approach also encourages us to outperform our peers, yielding a sense of unhealthy competition to build bigger fortresses, or crush the fortresses of those who we start to envy.

In contrast, the concept of tawakkul in Islam offers a beautiful and profound solution to this dilemma. Tawakkul, or reliance on Allah, teaches us to balance our efforts with trust in God. It’s a concept that reminds us that while we should take action and strive in our lives, the outcomes are ultimately not in our hands. Tawakkul is about finding peace in the understanding that Allah is the best of planners, and that our efforts are a part of our faith, but they do not control the decree of Allah.

Embracing tawakkul does not mean we abandon planning or working towards our goals. Instead, it offers a perspective shift. We are encouraged to do our best, but also to recognize the limits of our control. This realization brings a sense of peace and contentment, reducing the anxieties tied to the uncertainties of life. It teaches us to focus on the present, to do what is within our capacity, and leave the rest to Allah’s will.

Moreover, tawakkul fosters a sense of community and connection. When we understand that our sustenance and success come from Allah, we are more likely to view what we have as something to share, rather than to hoard. It breaks down the walls of isolation, encouraging generosity, empathy, and a sense of belonging. Through tawakkul, we find relief in the belief that we are never truly alone in our struggles or endeavors; Allah is always with us, guiding and supporting us.

In essence, tawakkul is a beautiful antidote to the modern malaise of anxiety, isolation, and the relentless pursuit of material security. It offers a pathway to inner peace, contentment, and a deepened sense of connection with the divine and with each other. In a world that constantly pushes us to want more and fear the future, tawakkul reminds us to trust more, fear less, enjoy what we already have, and find solace in the knowledge that we are cared for by a power far greater than any worldly force.

In a world that constantly pushes us to want more and fear the future, tawakkul reminds us to trust more, fear less, enjoy what we already have, and find solace in the knowledge that we are cared for by a power far greater than any worldly force.

Alhamdulillah for everything,

Much love, Ahmed.

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